65. The Bypass

Waiting for the Train

“I drove over to Centerville the other day. The traffic was an absolute mess,” I said to Stan.

“I know it sure can be,” was his response. “Did you take the bypass?”

“Bypass? I didn’t know there was a bypass. How would I have found that?”

“Well,” Stan replied, “it is not real easy to find, but you could have gotten directions.”

“Boy, that probably would have saved me a lot of time.”

“And a lot of frustration,” Stan added.

Then he went on, “Has a lot of similarities to my walk with the Lord. If I ask for directions on how to get from point A to point B with God, He always has the right answer for how to get there the best way.”

Continuing, Stan said, “But too often I don’t ask the right questions. The result always is that I am stuck in the traffic of…

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